Listen To Team Hustle's "Niggaz Wit Attitude"


A musical experience like no other!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I know I've been slackin on the blog updates!!

Just been a lil bizzy... lemme get back into the swing of things!
As we all know "the king of pop" Micheal Jackson has passed away [R.I.P] but lets just celebrate his life & await the new era of music that is about to take place. Noone has ever had the success that M.J. had musically and I honestly don't see it happening anytime soon! Not even in this lifetime but NEVER SAY NEVER!

"I'm just tryin be the hip-hop version of M.J.!" -

In this video: Norm Regular remembers Micheal Jackson...

See, we are true fans of his music as most of you are just trying to show love now that the man is gone knowing damn well you were judging him while he was alive etc etc. But hey it is what it is. We lost the biggest LEGEND in music that ever lived. And it must be true that celebrities die in 3's. {SMH}

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